After this Nicolas, Gergö, Bea and I meet to evaluate what happened in the last week, to talk about future plans and to prepare the Youthpass. Next I meet with Zuzu in school and we do her German homework together and practice some vocabs and reading. In the evening all the mentors meet, to talk about the last week, problems that occurred or were solved and some projects in the future.
On Tuesday and Thursday morning I meet Botond. His German is really good yet, but we solidify it. For example he prepares some lectures, so he is able to learn speaking fluently and I can fix some small problems.
Furthermore I meet Dudu on Tuesday and her brother Matthiasz on Wednesday. With Dudu I learn some basic steps of the German language, for example numbers and colors. We play a lot of games that help to learn these basics. Matthiasz is able to speak German fluently, because he lived 5 months in Switzerland. We talk a lot, play games and do some exercises, so he is able to continue speaking German.
When I am in the office I prepare new tasks and work on some ideas for future projects.
Sometimes there a some special days, for example this Thursday I will go to “Ötletfa” and we celebrate Helloween. Furthermore we have workshops with all members of the Mentorshipprogram.
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